Tennessee House passes bill to allow teachers to carry guns

Bruxton, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Tennessee recently passed a bill, allowing select school staff to carry concealed handguns on campus.

Senate Bill 1325 aims to bolster security measures amid safety concerns. Those opting to carry firearms must undergo at least 40 hours of specialized school policing training annually, with associated costs covered individually. The House passed the legislation in a 68-28 vote, largely along party lines. The state senate passed its version of the bill already. Republicans control Tennessee’s state government and have no real obstacles to passing bills they want. But the bill was met with protests.

The bill comes amid rising fears of school shootings. Nashville suffered a high-profile school shooting that left 7 people, including 3 children dead. Advocates argue armed teachers can serve as a deterrent and respond swiftly in emergencies. Critics point out how there was an armed guard at the Parkland shooting who did not engage the shooter. Others are concerned that students could potentially gain access to the weapons.

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